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Intuition, Bias & Insight

Every once in a while, we stumble on Insights, which are nothing but new patterns. These insights help us update our intuitive framework and make us better equipped.

white baby mouse

Science & Empiricism in Health, Nutrition & Ageing

In matters of health & fitness, it is important to look at science. However, watch out for the shallow statistical noise, as empiricism side-stepped ahead of scientific explanations and deluge you with correlations posing as spurious causations.

birds flying over body of water during golden hour

Pessimism & Optimism

Life’s not about hiding in a cave for the fear of something unpleasant outside, for the unpleasant is inevitable. Life’s rather about stepping out and exploring the world of opportunities, growing mankind’s knowledge and taking it to such heights that the problems of the cave look diminutive.

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The Evolutioanary Rhyming of Bitcoin

We are witnessing an Evolutionary battle among thousands of decentralised currencies and so many proposed centralised currencies. There are patterns of similar evolutionary battles from the past.

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Uncertainty Failure Risk Ruin

Uncertainty is not good or bad…it is.
Failure is not bad, but a necessary evil.
Risk is what you track, while treading Uncertainty.
Ruin is the only thing you fear and avoid…whatever it takes.