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war chess

You’re So Selfish!

Selfishness is an integral and natural part of evolution with survival instincts at its core. You’re selfish for the survival unit under your consideration.

person pouring water on clear drinking glass

The Glass of your life!

‘The Glass is half empty’ attitude gives you a sense of purpose. ‘The Glass is half full’ attitude gives a sense of fulfilment. The shift in perspective helps you be the best version of yourself.

autumn autumn colours brown countryside


The best, the most error free, the most stress free and the fastest way to carry out multitasking is by carrying out one task at a time, partially, if not fully, and then switching to another task. I call this Monotasking.

black and white blackboard business chalkboard

Intuition – When To Trust It, When Not To

Intuition can be trusted only in the presence of regularities and familiarities of the stimuli. It can’t be trusted when you are dealing with novel situations or when the environment can change dynamically, non linearly or unpredictably.

woman holding books

The Simplicity Continuum

How is it that some of these experts manage to keep it so simple? Why does a lay person struggle to keep things simple? Why is a lay person’s simplicity not as effective as these experts’? Are the two working on different “simplicities”? What is the missing link?

You’ve got to be kidding!

The Kids are far happier than us, because they live in the moment. They do not carry any baggage. They are driven by curiosity. Wake up the child in you. Replace fear with wonder, it”ll transform your life!

woman wearing grey long sleeved top photography

High Risk-High G/Pain!

Don’t shy away from taking risks. It is by venturing into the unknown that you get to see places you haven’t even dreamt off. But, ensure that you don’t get lost in the woods!

blue geeen and orange parrot

Birds vs Marshmallows

There is a lot of nuanced interpretation in Aphorisms & Metaphors. They have contextual inferences. Often, on a stand alone basis, they give an incomplete picture and one needs to look at the context & the larger picture in which they are applicable.