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You’ve got to be kidding!

The Kids are far happier than us, because they live in the moment. They do not carry any baggage. They are driven by curiosity. Wake up the child in you. Replace fear with wonder, it”ll transform your life!

woman wearing grey long sleeved top photography

High Risk-High G/Pain!

Don’t shy away from taking risks. It is by venturing into the unknown that you get to see places you haven’t even dreamt off. But, ensure that you don’t get lost in the woods!

blue geeen and orange parrot

Birds vs Marshmallows

There is a lot of nuanced interpretation in Aphorisms & Metaphors. They have contextual inferences. Often, on a stand alone basis, they give an incomplete picture and one needs to look at the context & the larger picture in which they are applicable.

Excerpts from My Farewell Note

In hindsight, the past achievements look diminutive in front of current ambitions. Hence, we should ensure that we celebrate every small & big success on that very day, in any small or big way. This way, we will create happy memories!

wedding couple sitting on green grass in front of body of water at sunset

Marriage – An Alliance of Intimate Enemies

If you’re married to a person, who is basically worth spending the rest of the life with, you need to learn to deal with minor fault lines. These fault lines have their earliest origins in the differences between the emotional worlds of girls and boys. Let’s dig deeper…

black and white blog business coffee

About This Blog

Writing & note making is a long nourished habit of mine. My Tweets & this blog and whatever I may write in the future, are nothing but extensions of my notes. I don’t expect anyone else to read these. Having said that, I’m glad to have you as a companion!